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Welcome at Blue Care Health and Lifestyle Coaching

Advanced nutritional and diabetes coaching by means of one on one and group sessions, with the focus on individualized person centered care. Virtual and teleconsultations are available.

Wellness days consisting of Point of Care testing and health talks, food service training and menu planning as well as CPDs, are offered to companies, hospitals, organizations, and health care professionals.

My testimony of a life reborn!

Johan Viljoen

Living with diabetes ...

Johan Viljoen reports about his diabetes diagnosis, his disease progression and how Mariska Van Wyk from Bluecare Health and Lifestyle Coaching helped him to develop a healthier and happier lifestlye and fight the diabetes.

When I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2008, my life came to a grinding halt. I couldn’t believe what was happening, although I had almost been expecting it, since diabetes ran strongly in our family. My grandfather, my father, all his brothers, and my sister had it, but I wasn’t prepared or ready to receive the news - it was terrible!